We wanted to make our service completely customer-centric with a consistently excellent customer experience.

As the Head of Customer Success, Vicky had already implemented various new processes to formalise and standardise how her Customer Success Managers (CSMs) interact with the company’s customers.

“When we implemented timetoreply we discovered major differences in how our teams were managing their customer emails, especially in terms of reply times which could vary wildly between one CSM and another,” say vicky.

With no formal reply time policy in place prior to timetoreply’s deployment, Vicky found that some CSMs were responding quickly to customer emails, while others would only respond the next day. Some CSMs also only checked their emails at certain times of the day, while others would check in regularly during the course of the work day.

We implemented a consistent way of working across our Customer Success teams, and set two hours as the benchmark for acknowledging customer emails and giving that customer an indication of the time it would take to resolve their query.”

Initial results show great outcomes

Even in the initial trial phase of the timetoreply rollout within Lead forensics, the results have been outstanding. Aside from gaining a much clearer view over her team’s email activities, Vicky lauds the boost to customer experience gained from using timetoreply.

“The most obvious benefit is reducing our overall reply time, which has more than halved from an average of four hours to under two hours today. We’ve also had some customers going out of their way to commend our team members for the speed of their response and the general level of support. This is exactly what we are looking for – happy customers driving the success of our business.” 

"It turns out that email was a blind spot in our customer experience. We trialed timetoreply to bring light to that blind spot and, after a highly successful trial, we’re now ready to scale the solution to more of our teams."
Vicky Atkins

Vicky Atkins
UK Head of Customer Success

No tool to track email

Vicky says the business had implemented various tools and new processes to formalise the workings of the Customer Success team and ensure that everything is standardised. “This would make it easier for our CSMs to adopt best practices and for new recruits to get up to speed with how we work. We had call recording software, activity trackers and SLA integration with our internal CRM tool to bring visibility to how each team member is engaging with our customers, but we had no tool to reveal the experience our customers are having when engaging with our CSMs via email.”

Dedicated CSMs a key selling point

Not every lead generation company could offer dedicated Customer Success Managers to provide support and help the customer derive the most value possible from the service. “Our CSMs are a unique selling point, but without high levels of customer experience there is a strong likelihood that customers won’t see the value of having a dedicated CSM. Since our Customer Success department is critical to the broader success of our business, we wanted to support our CSMs by giving them the tools, processes and structure needed to consistently deliver an exceptional customer experience to every customer.”

The Results showed great outcomes

Even in the initial trial phase of the timetoreply rollout within Lead forensics, the results have been outstanding., the results have nonetheless been outstanding. Aside from gaining a much clearer view over her team’s email activities, Vicky lauds the boost to customer experience gained from using timetoreply.

“The most obvious benefit is reducing our overall reply time, which has more than halved from an average of four hours to under two hours today. We’ve also had some customers going out of their way to commend our team members for the speed of their response and the general level of support. This is exactly what we are looking for – happy customers driving the success of our business.”

Next up: scaling to more team members

Vicky is now preparing to roll out timetoreply to more of her teams. “We’ve started adding more mailboxes from our department and may want to look at setting custom reply time SLAs for different teams depending on who the customer is and the agreement we have with them.”

With the addition of more teams, Vicky will also start leveraging timetoreply’s powerful reporting capabilities. “We want to empower our team leaders with greater visibility over their teams’ email performance. We’ll also get more immersed in some of the granular benefits of using timetoreply, including setting custom SLA thresholds.”

Time to see the insight, improvements and results for yourself?

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