Powerful performance optimization

Improve your company’s reply times and resolution rates; getting the best out of your team members, all the time.

Email insights

Show every team member their individual email performance stats

Email alerts

Alert individuals to slow responses or missed emails

Email prompts

Prompt faster, more efficient replies based on all your SLAs

Individual live data

Customize the Optimizer to drive the performance results you need.

SLA driven recommendations

Your team will never breach an SLA again

Deep analytics, live comparisons and insights

Get real-time visibility into exactly how your team is performing as a whole, or individually.

Reply times

Team wide and individual reply times

Resolution rates

Live monitoring overall and to targets

Email effectiveness

Assess quality of your team’s responses

Real-time reply tracking

Track reply times for every single email in your customer-facing teams’ inboxes – both individual and shared mailboxes. Set goals to measure your team’s performance in real-time.

Deeper email analytics

Link directly to your existing Gmail and Microsoft 365 inboxes to see detailed stats on email volumes, conversions, unreplies and average reply times.

Unbeatable SLA monitoring and email reporting

Get comprehensive reports into every one of your customer service emails and keep your team on track to hit all their goals.

SLA reports

Make sure reply time goals for all your key customers or customer groups are never missed

Shared mailbox reports

Understand how every individual in a shared mailbox is performing at the click of button

Regular trend reports

Compare progress and performance over your own custom periods, filters and key metrics

Team-wide leaderboards

Track each of your teams’ performance on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Display real-time leaderboards to encourage healthy competition between departments.

Focused Filters

Set advanced custom filters to screen out non urgent, non customer service-related emails and keep your team focused on those replies that matter.

Unrivaled email and workflow integrations

timetoreply sits directly on top of your existing Gmail, Outlook and Microsoft 365 inboxes and integrates seamlessly into your current tech stack with zero workflow disruption.

Get started today with timetoreply