The only email analytics solution for Microsoft Outlook and Google Workspace

The only email analytics solution for Microsoft Outlook and Google Workspace

Our customers have improved their response times from 7 hours to 2 hours and their response rates from 65% to 90%+ within 8 hours with timetoreply.

  • Measure email volumes (send and received) for individuals, teams and shared mailboxes
  • Track email reply times and set goals
  • Set real-time alerts for important emails
  • Scheduled reporting view which emails breached their reply time goals
  • View agent leaderboards

Trusted by companies that prioritize customer experience

How do you prevent receiving customer complaints about poor service over email?

With our real-time alerts, you can create an alert to fire when there has been no response to a key customer after X amount of time.

The alert can be sent to a manager, the agent who needs to respond or anyone else you choose.

You can also link up with your CRM to automatically create a task for the agent so that they know to respond to the email.

  • Improve reply times
  • Never miss an important email again
  • Reduce customer churn
  • Increase NPS

Need a way of seeing which emails met their reply time goal and which took too long to receive a response?

timetoreply turns your Outlook or Gmail into the ultimate email reply time SLA tool.

Now you can mark email threads that have been handled as “closed” and get clarity on what is awaiting a reply, what has been handled and what emails were responded to within SLA and which emails breached your SLA reply time goals.

Finally, your teams’ email performance won’t be a blackhole.

  • Meet your SLA goals
  • See a break down of which emails met the reply time goal and which failed
  • Save time by focusing on emails that matter
  • Improve team performance
  • Delight your customers

Not sure who is doing what in your shared mailboxes?

Customersupport@, support@, whatever your shared mailboxes are called, we can provide analytics on how you are responding to customers on the shared mailbox level and how each individual agent is performing to emails they handle from the shared mailbox.

Understand email workloads, average reply times and want requires a reply.

Your customers will love you and you’ll start hearing things like “you are so responsive” and “Wow, that was quick”!

  • Manage team member workloads
  • View your average reply times for your shared mailboxes and see how each individual has contributed to the shared mailbox performance
  • Provide better, more consistent service
  • Incentivise top performers
  • View and improve individual performance within shared mailboxes

Our email reporting software features

Measure email reply times

Know exactly how long each mailbox takes to reply to internal or external emails with our email response time software.

Real-time alerts

Setup real-time alerts so that you know if an important email hasn’t received a reply after X amount of time.

Mark emails as "Closed"

Use our native add-ins for o365, or Gmail to mark emails that have been dealt with as “closed”. View your average time-to-close metric and work at improving this over time.

Track your service level agreements

Set goals based on your SLA agreements and use our tool to ensure you are not in breach of your agreed email reply time thresholds.

Monitor individual or group mailboxes

Measure all incoming and outgoing emails for an individual email account or a group email address where customer queries are received

Detailed email performance reports

Detailed analytics and reporting to help client services managers support and drive their teams’ email responsiveness to new and existing customer emails. Schedule these reports to be sent to you daily, weekly or monthly.

Agent leaderboards

Create healthy competition by sharing the comparative leaderboard reports with your team. Set goals and reward the best performing agents. Watch your average reply times to customers improve and your qualified leads increase.

Track client service agent and team trends

View what % of emails have been responded to in under 30min, 60min, 4 hours, etc. Set your own reply time bands and improve your customer team’s responsiveness to emails. Track performance over a 12 month period.

API and CRM integrations

Integrate timetoreply with your favourite CRM or business intelligence reporting tool. Sync data and analyze the impact of improving your timetoreply metrics.

"In terms of responsiveness, it’s gone up from 62% to 86% as a company."

Lonnie Jackson
Vice President of Customer Management

"We have seen response times in particular groups go from 7 hours to 2 hours with the timetoreply data. This is getting information to our partners quicker and streamlining the way we work."

Kyra Augustus
Director of Partner Support – Central

"When it comes to communicating with our customers, timetoreply helps keep our teams performing at their best. The analytics help our leaders understand team performance and find opportunities to tweak and improve the service they're providing to our customers."

David Crowley
VP Operations

Frequently asked questions

1. How do I view email analytics in Outlook and Gmail?

Despite their popularity, neither Outlook or Gmail offers much in the way of advanced email analytics. While both business email platforms provide some basic functionality, high-performance sales and customer service teams need to explore other solutions if they want detailed insight into their teams’ email productivity.

That’s why a growing number of companies rely on timetoreply to gain data-driven insights into total email volumes, average reply times, completion ratios, and more.

2. Which email analytics metrics should companies analyse?

Every team will have unique needs and challenges in their efforts at delivering the highest standards of customer service. However, teams can all benefit from gaining greater insight into their email performance, and should look for email reporting tools that track:

  • total conversations
  • inbound and outbound conversations
  • completion ratio
  • average initial reply time
  • average overall reply time
  • SLA tracking
  • peak traffic times
  • which inboxes receive the most requests

Companies should also choose an email reporting tool that offers a variety of reports as well as data export capabilities for deeper analysis of key email-related trends.

3. Which features to look for in an advanced email analytics platform?

Companies seeking the support of email reporting software for their managers and teams should look for the following features:

  • The ability to measure email reply times, including average initial reply times and average overall reply times
  • Real-time alerts that inform users when they’re approaching custom SLA thresholds
  • The option to mark emails as ‘closed’ without having to use a separate ticketing system
  • Easy tracking of SLA goals based on custom SLA thresholds
  • Ability to monitor individual or group / shared mailboxes
  • Detailed performance reports that can help identify potential bottlenecks
  • Agent leaderboards to create healthy competition between customer service and sales agents
  • API and CRM integrations to ensure the smooth running of your customer service and sales teams

4. What is the best team email analytics (reporting?) tool?

Timetoreply is the only solution for companies seeking an email reporting tool for their customer service or sales teams that works with any email platform. Our simple deployment and quick integration to both Gmail and Outlook enables sales and customer service and support teams to immediately start benefiting from insightful analytics into their email performance, allowing them to optimise their productivity and drive bottom-line results.

5. What makes Timetoreply a unique solution for teams and managers?

Timetoreply is the only email reporting tool that works with all business email platforms. Our email reporting platform easily integrates with your business email platform of choice, and can immediately boost your team’s sales and customer service success by producing actionable insights within minutes of activation, with no install required.

Our solution connects to individual or shared mailboxes and measures reply times, email volumes, peak hours, and a range of other metrics to bring clarity to the performance of sales and customer-facing teams on company email channels.

A growing number of third-party integrations also ensures your teams can continue to enjoy the benefits of improved email productivity, no matter the CRM and other tools they use.

We’ve got your back. Safe and secure for all major email providers


We only track To, From, Subject line and timestamps.


We never read your email, we don't have access to it.‍


Works with Microsoft Outlook, Google Workspace, and MS Exchange


Google Security Certified
SOC 2 (coming soon)
HIPAA (coming soon)


No software to install, everything is in your browser

Get started today with timetoreply