Why lead response time is super important in the travel & tourism sector

The travel & tourism sector is growing...and that’s great for everyone in it and everyone using it; but where there’s growth competition hots...
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Increase customer service satisfaction rates up to 100%

How to increase customer service satisfaction rates up to 100% We live in impatient times.  When a customer reaches out to a brand with an...
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Imagine what your profits would look like if you paid closer attention to email response times

The possibility of increasing sales and enjoying what these sales can do in raising your profits is within easy reach today, provided that you have...
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How to analyse the effectiveness & speed of email replies in your business

Knowing more about the behaviour of email correspondence can be likened to taking stock of products in your inventory. Without facts and figures...
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Are email reply times as fast as they should be from your sales team?

Are email reply times as fast as they should be from your sales team? If people opt for email correspondence when they have any queries about your...
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Give your business the boost it needs with this incredible email management tool

Many businesses are struggling at the moment due to the lack of economic growth in South Africa. Small businesses are closing their doors before they...
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Would you like to know what the email response times are in your business?

Email response times Let’s start with how important it is to respond as quickly as possible to any email enquiry received by your sales...
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Here’s why your business isn’t growing and how to fix it

Here's why your business isn't growing and how to fix it We know the economy isn't looking great for business owners at the moment. While the...
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