5 Areas of Your Business Where Email Response Time Matters Critically

5 Areas of Your Business Where Email Response Time Matters Critically Here’s a shocking statistic in a 2018 Customer Service Benchmark Report on...
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The importance of lead response times in different industries

In today's fast-paced business environment, lead response times can make or break a sale. The speed at which a company responds to a lead can be the...
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Slow email responses – the black hole of lost leads

When someone takes the time to fill out an online contact form requesting a quote or contact from your side and they get a late response, or even...
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How to retain customers amidst the Corona Crisis

Just a few weeks ago, the Covid-19 crisis was mostly confined to China, but now it's a global pandemic with unprecedented effects. Amongst the threat...
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How to grow your business with the minimum of hassle

Now that’s something any business is after, short term, long term, any other term; success. The economic slump worldwide has made success in any...
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Want more sales in 2020? This is the best solution

As a business owner, it's vital to grow your business every year. But, increasing sales steadily can present a challenge, especially when the economy...
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Who doesn’t need more leads for their travel & tourism business?

Generate more inbound leads and use these tools to optimize your service to turn new customers into long-term, repeat business. Whether you are in...
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Lead response management: turn inbound leads into sales

Lead response management: turn inbound leads into sales What’s the point in spending money generating inbound leads if you don’t have the...
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Look at email response times throughout your business & you’ll be in for a surprise

Naturally, we’d all like a pleasant answer to this question, but, more often than not, company owners are pretty blown away by the amount of emails...
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