8 ready to use customer service email templates

Customer service agents deal with several queries, complaints, and responses daily. Thankfully, most of them aren’t unheard of. 

Keeping a vault of ready-to-use customer service email templates handy can save you a lot of time, cut down your team’s response times, improve your customer satisfaction, and help to provide consistent service.

From dealing with complaints, and nudging along subscriptions, to guiding customers through trials, we’ve provided 8 customer service email templates your team can use and customize at any moment.

How great email communication improves customer service

Your product’s quality and price are essential for your business’s success. Offering quick, responsive customer service gives you word-of-mouth referrals and repeat business that marketing simply cannot provide. 

On the other hand, poor customer service is costly: According to a report by NewVoiceMedia, companies in the US lost business worth $62 billion in 2016 due to slow and inadequate customer service. 

So, what do your hard-to-please customers want from your business? Simple, fast, and personal responses to their questions! 

Your customers care about rapid email responses. So should you!

Because of its convenience, email is central to everyday communications, particularly in business. With mobile technology’s popularity, email communication will only increase in popularity as one of the best ways for companies to contact their customers.

report by LivePerson titled “Connecting with Consumers” and based on a survey involving over 5,700 consumers in the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Australia, 60% of consumers prefer customer service and service via email.

With so many customers preferring one method of communicating with you, it should go without saying that you must work hard to improve the quality of customer care you offer through email communication.

Why speed is a major factor in email customer service

However, while there is an overwhelming preference among customers to use email to communicate their issues, most customers have specific essential standards they expect from email customer service.

Most of their requirements are related to how rapidly you handle their cases.

A SuperOffice report reveals that, on average, companies take 12 hours to respond to their customers’ emails. A whole day is a long time for a customer to wait for a response, and there are good reasons for your company to be concerned if it takes that long to reply.

A study conducted by inContact shows that only 43 percent of consumers were happy with the most recent email service interaction, with those who were satisfied revealing that response speed was a key factor.

Benefits of Effective Email Communication

When properly utilized, email communication can be a highly effective customer care channel that offers several advantages:

  • Email is easily accessible🔄: Email is something your customers can easily view on the move. Today, any of your customers with smartphones can get their email account and settings configured on their mobile devices. This mobility factor allows them to receive timely responses to their issues, improving their overall satisfaction.
  • File attachment capability📎: There are specific customer interactions where it is necessary to attach a file. For instance, you may require a picture of a damaged item or a scanned invoice from your customer to get their warranty claim handled faster. In this case, email is the best option.
  • Email boosts trust🚀: You could call it a psychological quirk, but many people prioritize written communication over verbal conversation. Whenever such customers send you their issues or questions through email, they feel you take their queries more seriously.
  • Cost-effective integration of support platforms🔀: You can quickly and affordably integrate your voice and chat support channels with your email customer service.
  • Detailed information about customer issues📝: In email communication, your customer can clearly and accurately describe whatever problem they have with your product or service. They also have more time to state all the necessary facts. Your team resolves issues faster as well as improves your company image as a result.

How to write a customer service email

When it comes to writing a top-notch customer service emails, here’s the scoop! 

Start with a friendly greeting to set the tone. Clearly state the purpose of your email and get straight to the point. 

Be empathetic, understand the customer’s concern, and offer a solution or answer to their query. 

Keep it concise, using clear and straightforward language. 

Personalize your response and sign off with a warm closing. 

And hey, don’t forget to proofread before hitting that send button! 

With these tips, you’ll be crafting customer service emails like a pro in no time. 

📄Examples of customer service email templates

Writing customer service email responses from scratch is time-consuming as well as labour-intensive.

Effective customer service email communication requires you to provide your support team with a collection of email response templates they can easily tweak to answer customer service queries.

Here are examples of customer service email response templates to give you a head start:

😡Responding to an angry, dissatisfied customer

Sometimes, a customer could be so angry that there’s little room to fix the situation directly. A straightforward, candid, as well as non-confrontational approach that leaves the door open for discussion is best:

Dear [Client Name],

I am sorry to find out that you were unhappy with your experience with our company. Your satisfaction is always our priority, and I apologize sincerely if our company didn’t demonstrate that to you.

While we understand your frustration, we would like to have another opportunity to rebuild your trust in our organization.

Please let us know more about your concerns as well as how we can assist you in the future.


[A.N. Other]

Customer Service Manager

😅🗣️💬Explaining delayed delivery

A common issue customers face is packages that do not arrive when scheduled. Delivery delays are challenging for service teams, mainly if you work with third-party delivery partners. An email taking a supportive tone is your best option:

Dear [Customer Name],

I am sorry that your package has not arrived, and I understand your frustration.

I am tracking your package via USPS, and the current tracking status is [tracking status]. If you want to track its status, please visit: [link].

If you do not receive your delivery by [date], please get in touch with me by replying to this message.

[Company] sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience.


[AN Other]

Customer Service Representative

💡Guiding a customer through a minor feature

If you have a client who needs step-by-step help to perform a simple task, you must assess the situation to be clear about what they require. A calm request for information is required:

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for your note. We are always happy to help you.

However, I do not quite follow your request for help with [feature name]. Is there any chance that you could provide a screenshot as well as offer a bit more detail? That would be super helpful.

I will do my best to help.

Many thanks,

[AN Other]

🧑‍💻Responding to a web form submission

When a visitor fills out a form asking for information, this customer service email template satisfies their need for a quick response — even if you require more time to offer a more detailed answer.

Hello [visitor name],

Thank you so much for getting in touch! We want to confirm that we received your request for information regarding our services, and we will contact you within [x] hours with a comprehensive response.

However, if you require immediate assistance, do not hesitate to call our helpline [phone number].


The [company name] team 


📄Instructions to a user signing up for a free trial

Below is a great customer service email template to give a new user signed up for a free product trial with quick tips to get them up to speed.

Hello [username],

Congratulations, you’re in! You have [x] free days to try out all that our [service/product] has to offer.

To get you started, here are some quick tips that will help you make the most of your trial period:

[1st User tip]

[2nd User tip]

[3rd User tip]

If you have any questions, reach out to our team. Our representatives are standing by to offer any help you need.


[AN Other]

Customer Support Team Leader 


🔔Subscription renewal reminder

If your customer’s subscription to your service is due to expire, you need to inform them as soon as possible. So you do not catch them by surprise. Use this customer service email template: 

Hello [customer name],

Can you believe how quickly a [time] has passed? We just wanted to give you a friendly reminder that your [service] subscription with our Company is due for automatic renewal on [expiry date].

You do not need to take any action at this time if you want to continue enjoying [the product/service]. 

For any inquiries on your subscription, simply reply to this message.


[company name] team


❌Cancellation confirmation

For customers who no longer require your product or service, you need to offer a speedy confirmation that you have canceled their subscription. The customer service email template will help your company create a paper trail.

Dear [client name],

This message is confirmation that we have canceled your [service name] account with [company name], effective on [termination date].

[You may choose to add a statement on whether the customer will still have access to the service until what should have been the renewal data, or if you will discontinue access immediately.]

Although we are sad to see you go, we will be standing by if you need our service in the future. For any questions or to reactivate your account, visit our website or contact us at [phone number].


The [company name] team


🔄Confirming a refund

 As a customer, waiting for a refund after a complaint can be highly stressful. This email template lets your customers know you are processing their rebates.

Dear [customer name],

Following our discussion, I have requested our finance department to credit your account with a full refund regarding your complaint. We will credit your amount within [x] days.

Once again, I regret that [product/service] did not meet your expectations. Please reach out to us if you require any help in the future. 


[AN Other]

Customer Service Lead, [company name]


Boost your customer service team’s response times 🚀

Want your customer service team to nail email communication? Looking to establish a response time policy? Need an email management solution compatible with o365, Outlook, Gmail, MS Exchange, or IMAP? 

Enter timetoreply! Measure and track your team’s email reply times, uncover performance insights with email analytics, and improve efficiency. 

But hey, don’t just take our word for it – 🗓️Book a demo and see for yourself

Let’s boost your customer service email game together!

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