Have you checked your response times to emails from potential customers lately?

It’s all very well having a website and a sales team handling web forms coming in via that website, which is the ideal, because it means that your website is performing well enough to encourage traffic that stops long enough to fill in contact forms or send in email enquiries; the fact is that if those customers are not responded to very quickly, your company is already out of the driver’s seat in your industry and potential sales lost.

The research to back up the importance of quick email response times can be found everywhere on the internet, although, if you would like a good starting place, start with the dudes at the top of the ladder who have their finger on the pulse of business today, like the Harvard Business Review, Forbes and their ilk – this is serious stuff, and it gives your company and sales team one-upmanship on anyone else in your industry!

We don’t need to harp on the fact that this is a high-speed tech world business is navigating, we all know it, but it’s that there are tools that make the navigation truly effective, and give tangible insight into what is happening to leads and emails coming in to your small to medium business, or major corporation.

Contact rates and conversion rates are visibly increased through quick and effective email response times, and, if anyone knows just how important all of this ‘stuff’ really is, it’s the team at timetoreply! The online toolbox they provide to clients did not drop out of thin air, these guys did their homework using their own product to develop their proprietary algorithm that gave birth to the success timetoreply has brought to many customers already!

There are now websites that are proud to display their timetoreply Trustimer on their website, showing any one of the hundreds of thousands of people searching the web daily for products and services that theirs is a customer service that can be relied on, letting potential customers know that they are at the right place immediately – they won’t even bother going anywhere else!

Even if all you do is sign up for the 21 day free trial at timetoreply (don’t worry, they aren’t going to ask for your credit card details!), you may find that the metrics and statistics displayed on your timetoreply dashboard more than just a little hair-raising, especially if you find that your team has been slow off the mark in responding to emails, and that the quality of these responses are not what they could be!

It’s not just the speed with which an email is responded to that wins half the battle for your company, it’s also the quality of the response that counts – even now, perhaps especially now, in a world where consumers are able to demand instant gratification and quick responses, no one can afford to sit on any lead or enquiry!

Here’s another bit of eye-opening info about the shelf-life of any lead or enquiry; you have between 5 to 20 minutes to make it count!

The team at timetoreply have laid out all the features on a super-easy to navigate website, and the undeniable value of their phenomenal and innovative tool, developed to work with all email servers and track all email response times in your business; it’s an exciting tool and well worth the exploration!

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