Email Analytics (What Is It, And What Are The Best Email Analytics Tools Out There?)

The global email marketing market was valued at 7.5 billion dollars in 2020, and that figure is projected to rise to 17.9 billion by 2027. And with 79% of millennial consumers confirming they like being contacted by brands via email, it’s easy to see why email plays such an important role to a business’s success. But how can you make the most of your email performance and strategy? That’s where email analytics comes in. It’s a real game-changer for businesses, providing valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and engagement.

In this post we demystify email analytics and cover:

  • What is email analytics?
  • How can it boost performance and drive business success?
  • The 5 best email analytics software solutions in the marker

Read on to learn how to take your email marketing to new heights.

What is email analytics?

Email analytics is a method of tracking data and information associated with your email activity. So, for example, that could include:

  • the number of emails sent and received
  • average reply times
  • email traffic by time of day or day of the week
  • top senders and recipients

Email analytics gives you insights into your email strategies for customer service and sales team. You can use these insights to improve your customer service and sales efforts.

Let’s look at the most important email analytic metrics you should be tracking. Remember, these email analytics metrics are like a compass, guiding you to make data-informed decisions, refine your email strategies, and communicate more impactfully and meaningfully with your audience.

Open rates👀🗄️

This metric tells you how many people are actually opening your emails. By tracking open rates, you can gauge the effectiveness of your subject lines, your reach and the overall pull of your emails.

Click-through rates (CTR)🖱️

CTR measures the percentage of people who click on links within your emails. It helps you understand if your content is engaging enough to drive action and directs you to areas of improvement for boosting engagement. Forbes reported on a recent study that found the average CTR for small business email is between 0 to 10%.

Bounce rates👋

Bounce rates indicate the number of emails that didn’t reach their intended recipients. Monitoring bounce rates is essential to maintaining a clean email list and ensuring your messages reach the right audience.

Conversion rates💬

Conversion rates measure the percentage of recipients who complete a desired action after clicking a link in your email. Whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, or filling out a form, tracking conversions helps assess the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

Unsubscribe rates❌

This metric indicates the number of subscribers who opt out of receiving further emails from your business. Keeping an eye on unsubscribe rates helps you gauge the relevancy and value of your content, ensuring you maintain a healthy subscriber base.

🐇Time to reply🐾⏱️

Time to reply measures the average time it takes for you or your team to respond to emails. By monitoring this metric, you can assess your communication efficiency, identify potential bottlenecks, and improve customer satisfaction by reducing response times.

Boosting performance and business success with email analytics

One of the key benefits of email analytics is the ability to track and analyze campaign performance in real-time. Monitoring key metrics like the ones mentioned above enables you to identify what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to refine your strategies and optimize sales and customer service strategies for better results.

Email analytics for sales teams can help in a number of crucial ways, including empowering your sales team to prioritize leads, tailor their approach, and close deals more effectively.

And email analytics for customer service teams can ensure prompt, efficient, and satisfying communication. Identifying patterns in response times allows companies to optimize their resources, allocate staff effectively, and reduce customer wait times, ultimately improving the overall customer experience.

Good email analytics software provides a comprehensive view of your email marketing efforts and should work across different platforms like Gmail and Outlook for your convenience. And on that note, let’s check out the very best email analytics software out there – those that will unlock the full potential of your email marketing efforts.

The 5 best email analytics tools

#1️⃣ timetoreply

timetoreply focuses on measuring and improving email response times. It offers real-time analytics, customizable reports, and team performance tracking. With its emphasis on response time metrics, timetoreply helps businesses streamline their customer service, improve lead response times and boost overall efficiency.

Notable features include:

  • Real-time analytics feature: This allows you to track response times as they happen. This real-time data helps teams identify bottlenecks, optimize workflows, and ensure prompt and efficient responses.
  • Customizable reports: Provided by timetoreply, these reports provide you with a deeper understanding of your email metrics and allow you to monitor team performance effectively.
  • Team performance tracking: With this feature, managers can assess individual and team response times, ensuring accountability and driving productivity. With visibility on response metrics, you can also identify areas for improvement, implement best practices, and deliver exceptional customer and sales experiences.
  • Over 5,000 integrations: A really impressive feature is that timetoreply has software that links directly to your existing Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace inboxes, transforming your team’s performance without changing workflows.

timetoreply is the go-to tool for businesses aiming to boost customer service and sales mojo by turbocharging email response times.

#2️⃣ Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a popular email marketing platform that also offers robust analytics features. It provides detailed campaign metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion tracking. Mailchimp’s user-friendly interface, segmentation options, and automation capabilities make it a versatile tool for email analytics.

Notable features include:

  • Extensive campaign metrics: Mailchimp provides detailed insights into email performance including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion tracking.
  • Segmentation: This feature allows businesses to target specific segments of their audience based on various criteria, such as demographics or past engagement. This level of segmentation helps to personalize email content for greater results.
  • Automation: The platform’s automation capabilities are noteworthy as well. Mailchimp offers pre-built automation workflows that can be customized to fit specific marketing objectives. This automation streamlines processes like welcome emails or abandoned cart reminders to drive conversions effectively.

While Mailchimp excels as an email marketing tool, some users have found limitations regarding advanced reporting and customization options. It doesn’t tell much about how your staff handles incoming customer emails. Businesses with more complex analytics needs may find the reporting capabilities somewhat limited compared to specialized analytics tools.

Our verdict? Mailchimp is a reliable and user-friendly email marketing platform with comprehensive campaign metrics, segmentation options, and automation capabilities.

#3️⃣ HubSpot

HubSpot provides metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and engagement tracking. With HubSpot’s email analytics capabilities, you get an inside look at how your emails perform, from open rates to click-through rates and engagement tracking. It’s like having a backstage pass to see precisely what’s happening with your email campaigns.

Notable feature include:

  • CRM system: HubSpot levels things up with its nifty integration with its CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. This means you can blend your email interactions with other customer data, giving you the complete picture of your customer’s journey.
  • Advanced segmentation: With advanced segmentation options, HubSpot gives you access to all sorts of juicy details, like demographics, behavior, and lifecycle stage. This means you can personalize your emails like a pro.

Just a heads up, HubSpot’s pricing might not be for the faint of heart, especially if you’re starting out or on a tight budget. There might also be a bit of a learning curve to harness the full power of this platform.

In a nutshell, HubSpot offers robust email marketing analytics, CRM integration, and segmentation options to support email marketing efforts.

#4️⃣ Sendinblue

Sendinblue is a reliable solution for businesses looking to streamline their email marketing efforts and gain valuable insights into their campaigns. Users highlight its interface and point out that it’s easy to navigate and to set up email campaigns. This user-friendly approach is beneficial, especially for businesses new to email marketing or for those that prefer a simple and straightforward interface.

Notable features:

  • Essential email analytics metrics: Sendinblue provides essential email analytics metrics, such as open rates, click rates, and bounce rates, allowing businesses to evaluate the performance of their campaigns. These metrics provide insights into customer engagement and can help identify areas for improvement.
  • Automation: Sendinblue also offers automation features that allow you to set up automated email sequences based on triggers or specific actions recipients take. This automation streamlines communication and enables businesses to nurture leads, send personalized content, and increase conversions effectively.

While Sendinblue comes through with email analytic basics, it may not have all the bells and whistles of other platforms out there. If you’re looking for advanced reporting or fancy segmentation options, you might find Sendinblue a bit on the simpler side. If your analytics needs are more complex, you might want to explore other options offering more oomph.


MyAnalytics is like having a productivity sidekick by your side, giving you the lowdown on your work habits and helping you up your game. It’s all about maximizing your productivity and teamwork, giving you insights into your work patterns, collaboration dynamics, time management, task completion, and meeting performance.

Notable features include:
Valuable insights: MyAnalytics unveils valuable insights into your collaboration prowess, highlighting your communication effectiveness and teamwork abilities. By understanding these dynamics, you can level up your teamwork, iron out any kinks, and make sure you’re all firing on all cylinders.

Now, it’s worth mentioning that MyAnalytics may not offer the depth of analytics and customization you expect. It’s more focused on personal and teamwork insights. If you need super-detailed analytics or hardcore customization, you might want to explore the other options mentioned here.

In a nutshell, MyAnalytics is your go-to productivity buddy, dishing out insights to help you work smarter and collaborate better.

Choosing the right email analytics software for you

Now that you know everything you need to know about email analytics, it’s about picking the right one for you and your business. While there are plenty of great options out there, we’ve shared the 5 that we believe are the best. If you’re interested in learning more about how timetoreply can help you, get a free demo or try a 15-day free trial of timetoreply.

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