It’s all very well to have a well oiled marketing department targeting every aspect of customer engagement, but, if your sales division isn’t capitalising on the leads coming in from these well planned marketing strategies, the scales are going to weigh heavily on the side of producing no return on investment for your marketing efforts.

If you are keeping a beady eye on leads coming in from successful marketing campaigns and finding it hard to understand how so few of these leads are converted to sales, you will instinctively know that somewhere along the line your sales team is not working at the same level of effectiveness as your marketing team does.

A major cause for concern, and one that should be taken very seriously, is what happens once those leads come into your sales office, whether you have a large or small team, because it is invariably here that you will find the reasons for the discrepancies between a successful marketing campaign that brings in leads, and what makes them fizzle out once they hit the sales department.

Sales leads are the basic building blocks for business success, if your company is not bringing in new customers, and growing this base due to great customer service, your business is not going to grow, and if anything, it will simply stagnate.

Every email that comes into your company is a potential sale and is every bit as important to your business as it would be to have good, face to face in-store customer service; ignore them at your own risk!

Lead generation is tough enough in a highly competitive marketplace, and when a lead comes in, it deserves the quickest response possible, which is why, after many year’s worth of research, the team at Timetoreply developed the perfect online tool to keep track of exactly what happens to each email that is received by your business.

The metrics and analytics on the timetoreply tool dashboard give you the full picture; from how many emails are received by your sales team, how many are received by individual members of the team, and how quickly these emails are responded to.

Being able to monitor email response times to leads in real-time gives you in-depth insight into how to increase contact rates with clients, and how the quality of the email responses can improve and grow customer contact and engagement.

Timetoreply is a simple, cost effective tool that requires no software installation, empowering you to measure and improve on the vital connection that email communications can establish for the success of your business.

Do you really want to keep losing out on sales because of slow email responses?  Email leads have a shelf-life of less than 30 minutes, and considering that potential customers prefer to communicate via email, can you really afford to ignore the fact that there is an affordable tool that will make sure you catch a client while they are still in a buying frame of mind?

Try timetoreply free for 21 days, it will show you just how much a speedy email response can help your business to grow, or let the guys give you a demo – judging by the success of timetoreply clients over the years, every business deserves the extra edge this nifty software offers!

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Close more deals and delight more customers with the faster, smarter, deeper email analytics and performance optimization software that works straight from your team’s inbox.